
The Best Way To Fight Revenge Porn May Be to Copyright Your Breasts

If you don't want to be a victim of revenge porn, copyright your breasts. 

by Peter Rugg

With Florida finally passing a revenge porn law, there are now 18 states where women have some legal protection from letting cyber creepers use their nude pics for jacked traffic and ad rates. But if you don’t happen to live in one of those states, or just want some extra protection anyway, you might consider getting a copyright on your breasts.

That ended up being the last and best recourse for 'Hillary,' an anonymous revenge porn victim who spoke to CNN about how she had go the U.S. Copyright Office to get enough legal leverage to have her pictures pulled from a revenge porn site. She'd taken them for a long distance boyfriend who decided that a fitting punishment for breaking up with him was to humiliate her online. 

Ironically, if you don't want a bunch of strangers leering at your nude body you're going to have to send some pictures of your nude body to some stranger at the U.S. Copyright Office. The government swears that only the person processing the claim sees them, but still Hillary felt as if she was being victimized all over again. "I thought, well, no, this must be wrong… they're forcing me to disclose them further when that's what I was trying to prevent."

The other problem is that even with a copyright this option isn't always effective. You think 'Hillary' can keep all her nudes off a Google image search when all of Disney's attornies can't keep Age of Ultron off streaming sites within 48 hours of release?