Foul-Mouthed "I Got Loud" Kid is 2017's Most Relatable Meme
Can we get this kid a free subscription to High Times or something?

What do you do when it’s nice out and you don’t have anything on your schedule? Many of us plant ourselves on our front porches or fire escapes and get a little high. That’s exactly what David Nixon, whose rap name is Young King Dave, wanted to do in January, when he posted a video to his Instagram account inviting his friends to DM him and come over.
Nixon is one of many, many people who document their lives on Instagram, but something about the short clip is so engrossing that people just kept watching the video loop over and over.
As of August 2017, Nixon’s clip has been watched nearly 30,000 times. In the video, he takes a drag from his cigarette, adjusts in his seat, and spits directly past the camera, all while maintaining eye contact with the viewer. He then says, “It’s fuckin’ nice out, who’s tryna chill and smoke some loud, feeling me? I got loud. Hit my line. Either DM me or hit my line, bro, I got loud, I’m trying to smoke.” Loud, by the way, means extremely pungent marijuana.
He’s not being especially funny, or doing a bit, but in a short video clip, the viewer feels connected to Nixon as if he were a character in the first few moments of a movie.
Nixon’s video hung around, collecting views by the thousands, until late July when a Twitter user added auto-tune to the video, turning Nixon’s invitation to smoke weed with his bros into a slow jam.
From there, a producer took the auto-tuned song and added instruments to it, and after that, Twitter got a hold of the clip, fitting Nixon’s words satisfyingly into previously defined joke templates (as Twitter users are wont to do).
That last one, by the way, refers to one of the greatest Vines ever recorded, in which a man with no obvious self-awareness announces to his camera that it’s “shower time”.
Nixon, through all of this meme-ing nonsense, has begun selling t-shirts with his new slogan on them. His video is likely to fall in love with other Instagram vloggers whose messages feel too earnest for the internet, but maybe that’s alright. Content creators like Nixon provide short-lived bright spots on a vast and unfeeling internet, and we’re lucky to have them, spit and all.
See also: The Best Political Memes of 2017