'Star Wars' Actress Reveals 'Battlefront II' Inferno Squad Photo

Iden Versio herself has revealed the first official look at the faces of Inferno Squad, the three-person group of elite Imperial soldiers at the center of Star Wars: Battlefront II, along with Versio’s personal droid.
Actress Janina Gavankar tweeted the image out on Thursday. Gavankar lends her face and voice to Versio, Battlefront II’s protagonist and the central playable character for the story campaign. Versio and the rest of Inferno’s members look like the kind of top-tier soldiers that you wouldn’t want to mess with. After all, they’re elite TIE Fighter pilots and spec ops soldiers. Clad in all black, Versio is accompanied by Paul Blackthorne as Gideon Hask and TJ Ramini as who we can assume is Del Meeko.
The three human soldiers are accompanied by Versio’s personal Imperial droid built for stealth and combat, which can be customized in-game. Meeko is likely squad sniper, considering the scoped rifle he’s wielding in the photo.
Take a look at the image right here:
Blackthorne is, of course, easily recognized from his role on The CW’s Arrow as Quentin Lance. Ramini had a recurring role on 24. And Gavankar had a prominent role in HBO’s True Blood along with being one of the protagonists in the Halo 5: Guardians promotional event, Hunt The Truth.
Though not much is known about the plot of Battlefront II, we do know it takes place in the fallout of the battle at Yavin 4, and it starts soon after Return of the Jedi. They’ll run missions worthy of the Empire’s best soldiers, including at least one run-in with Luke Skywalker.
Excerpts from the accompanying prequel novel tease a female fourth member named Seyn Marana, but she’s conspicuously absent from any promotional material for the Battlefront II game.
Star Wars: Battlefront II will be released November 17, 2017, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters almost a month later on December 15, 2017.