What's Up with the 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Mid-Credits Scene
Who confronted Michael Keaton's Vulture? Another big baddie from the comics.

No movie supervillain in recent memory has terrified quite like the Vulture. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, directed by Jon Watts, Michael Keaton plays Adrian Toomes, a blue-collar worker turned super-criminal who has stolen Chitauri tech to become the high-flying villain known as the Vulture. Toomes isn’t after Infinity Stones nor does he want to take over the world, as most mustache-twirling baddies are. No, he just wants to provide for his family — and stick it to The Man (Tony Stark included). But, in the film’s mid-credits scene, Toomes may have found himself engrossed by something bigger than himself.
Spoilers for Spider-Man: Homecoming are below.
After his climactic fight in Coney Island against Spider-Man (Tom Holland), Toomes is convicted and sent to prison, where he’s confronted by Mac Gargan, played by Michael Mando (Better Call Saul). Gargan, who appeared earlier in the movie as one of Toomes’s buyers on the Staten Island Ferry, asks Toomes for Spider-Man’s real name. Apparently, a group of other guys Spidey has webbed up — who sound more dangerous than your average street criminal — have a vendetta against the web-head. Toomes, feeling like he owes Peter for not dragging his daughter into the chaos, doesn’t give him up. Or, maybe, he wants Spidey for himself? Who knows.
What is known is that in the comics, Mac Gargan is the supervillain known as the Scorpion, a lesser-known member of Spidey’s robust rogue’s gallery. Gargan debuted as the Scorpion in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man #20 in 1965, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. While several people have donned the Scorpion mantle since then, Gargan is probably the most famous.
From 'The Amazing Spider-Man' #20, featuring the debut of the Scorpion.
And in Homecoming, Gargan — who has a scorpion tattoo on his neck — may be setting up the Sinister Six, a rotating squad of Spidey villains that Scorpion has been part of several times. Gargan doesn’t drop any hints as to who else wants a piece of Spidey, but with all that Chitauri tech on the streets, it’s only a matter of time until they’re all suited up.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is in theaters now.