
 Artist Fight Alert: Jay-Z vs Marina Abramovic

Abramovic claims Jay-Z failed to pay her when he promised to 

by Lauren Sarner

Of all the artist beefs that have the potential to get heated, Jay-Z vs Marina Abramovic probably isn't one you'd ever think of. One is the king of rap and the other is a self-flagellating, naked-frolicking Serbian performance artist.

But a battle has ignited, among Abramovic’s claims that Jay-Z used her when he copied her shtick of doing an activity for an inhumanly long time in an art gallery.

In her case, it was sitting in a chair at the MoMa for 736 hours; in his case, it was a six-hour performance of Picasso Baby in New York’s Pace Gallery. Abramavic claims that she gave Jay-Z permission to copy her in exchange for a donation to her institute that he allegedly failed to pay

Jay-Z has retaliated by supplying the receipt of his donation to the public. In case you were wondering, his confirmation number is W984804.

Maybe Abramovic should worry less about Jay-Z's receipts and more about her own — as she has reportedly failed to pay her own employees in the past.

Update: Marina Abramovic’s Institute has issued an apology for sullying Jay-Z’s good name.

The takeaway from this whole ordeal is, if Abramovic wanted to convert those who think Performance Art is 90% BS, she did not succeed.