VR Porn is Growing Incredibly Fast
Pornhub reports users watching 500,000 videos per day.

In a report released on Thursday, Pornhub Insights has noted a substantial uptick in the past year in the popularity of virtual reality porn. It seems like the platform is good for more than just fancy tours and video games, after all.
The report found that VR porn videos are being accessed by Pornhub users around the world about 500,000 times per day.
It also found that those users are watching, on average, a higher quantity of videos per visit: VR visitors typically watch 2 more videos each time they visit Pornhub (11 pages per visit compared to the average 9), while their actual time on-site remains about the same, at just under 10 minutes. It’s also a male-centric fanbase, with men being 160 percent more likely to view VR porn than women.
And views are growing fast. From June 2016 to April 2017, the porn platform saw more than a doubling in global views, as recorded in the chart below. Also note the massive uptick of views around Christmas, presumably showing people eager to try out their new toys.
While VR porn is gaining popularity in the U.S., other countries are much further ahead in this futuristic pastime. The top spots globally for relative VR porn usage include Thailand, Hong Kong, and the Philippines.
Of all the demographics Pornhub measured, it was millennials who seem to love VR porn the most. People aged 25 to 34, the group into which most millennials currently fall, are 57 percent more likely to view it than any other age bracket.
It seems like millennials’ comfortableness with technology also extends to more intimate settings. They even beat out the younger demo, ages 18 to 24, by a significant amount. And, unsurprisingly, the older people got, the less likely they were to search for VR porn.
As the prevalence of VR gadgets continues to grow and become more integrated into the mainstream, it will be interesting to see where things stand after another year.