
'Akira'-Inspired Motorcycle Cruises Through Tokyo

In Which Life Imitates Post-Apocalyptic Anime

by Ben Guarino Nezu

Katsuhiro Otomo’s 1988 anime Akira has some very powerful nerd kung-fu — experimental laser weaponry, scenes of a bombed-out Tokyo, telepathic psycho-battles. By far the coolest bits, however, involve punk hero Kaneda atop a futuristic bright red motorcycle.

Japanese designer Kota Nezu thought so, too. "When I was a kid," Nezu, president of Znug Design, told Nikkei Asian Review, "I thought it would be cool if there were a real bike like that." So, with a cool 8.88 million yen price tag (about $74,000), he made one. 

Check out the bike, the zecOO, in action