Preview Footage of 'Alien: Covenant' Is "Gory" and "Brutal"

In space, no one can hear you scream, but just ten minutes of Alien: Covenant has apparently made early critics squirm in their seats with discomfort.
On Wednesday, Bleeding Cool writer Jeremy Konrad described ten minutes of Alien: Covenant in scary, graphic detail. “The Xenomorph births are quite frankly disgusting and gross to witness, as entrails and organs pour out of the bodies of the infected crew members and blood is everywhere,” he writes. To be clear, Konrad was delighted with the level of gore and terror in the new film, describing it as “Ridley Scott with the gloves off” and that the movie will be “the most visceral and brutal Alien film we may ever see.”
All of this to confirm the buzz surrounding the movie thus far: It is going to be a straight-forward horror film. What’s interesting about this description of the footage is the level of discomfort it might elicit in the average viewer.
The original Alien was famous for putting audiences on the edge of their seats, but for the most part, it didn’t send anyone to the bathroom with upset stomachs. Soon, as the entire film is shown, audiences will be able to judge for themselves just how gross the new movie’s Xenomorphs truly are.
Alien: Covenant opens on May 19 in wide release.