
Adult Swim Shared a Buttload of Creepy ‘Rick and Morty’ Promos

"Aw man, Buttworld again?"

by Corey Plante

Adult Swim’s beloved Rick and Morty debuted its third season premiere in a truly bizarre fashion: a surprise live stream loop on April Fool’s Day — but it also low-key dumped a bunch of Season 3 promos on YouTube the day after. Several of them are along the same vein as the horror-focused claymation shorts released this past Halloween. There’s also a hive mind dating commercial, a look inside the secret dreams of Mr. Poopybutthole, some more interdimensional cable but with a Rick-focused slant, the return of Gear Head as some kind of kaiju mecha hero, and a Pokémon-style battle of Meeseeks.

It’s unclear whether any of these teasers have any legitimate sort of connection to Season 3’s plot. Previous shorts of this kind weren’t really canon per se and were instead fun little shorts meant to entertain fans during the long wait for Season 3. Thankfully, it won’t be that much longer, since Season 3 picks up sometime this summer. Watch all of the shorts here:

Unity’s Got Her Own Dating Service

“Auto Erotic Assimilation” introduced viewers to the hive mind entity Unity, Rick’s on-again, off-again lover. As it turns out, she’s got a dating service that she advertises to those that have been assimilated into her network. We see some familiar aliens here, most notably a Plutonian (Morty and Jerry went to Pluto in “Something Ricked This Way Comes”). Does that mean Unity might make her way to Earth if she is indeed in our solar system?

Summer Gets Assaulted by an Alien Toothpaste Parasite

In this claymation-style paper mache puppet short, Summer tries to brush her teeth when out pops a tiny parasite that tries to crawl up her nose. Of course, Morty starts banging on the door and needs to pee, only making things worse. Note the photo of Mr. Poopybutthole on the wall, proving that this one takes place in the Poopybutthole Universe.

Mr. Poopybutthole Dreams of Gymnastics

Poor, beloved Mr. Poopybutthole apparently dreams of being a world-class gymnast. “Reach for your dreams,” a banner behind him reads as he twirls around the pommel horse. It’s a shame that Beth had to go and shoot him, ruining those dreams forever.

Rick and Morty Go Back to Buttworld

It really stinks for Morty, but he finds himself suspended by a stray geyser fart on Buttworld in the Ass Dimension. In that dimension, everything is butt- or toilet-themed. When a fart rockets Morty up into the air, he is helpless to do anything but flail his thin little arms. It’s a shame Rick had to lose yet another Morty.

Beth Cleans, Ignoring All the Signs of Horro

Beth wanders a bit mindlessly into the garage with some glass cleaner and cleans some tanks in which two Ricks and two Mortys are suspended. She doesn’t hear Morty 1’s plea for help and is peculiarly unphased when Rick 2 breaks out and dies from some kind of chestburster. File this one under non-canon horror short.

Gear Head is Some Kind of Mecha Champion

Staged like a vintage Japanese mecha show, Gear Head returns to fight other gear enemies, flying around the sky like the Iron Giant. Gear Head, aka Revolio Clockberg Jr., was humanoid-sized on Rick and Morty, partying it up in the Season 1 finale (“Ricksy Business”) and then betraying Rick and Morty in “Mortynight Run” after realizing how much Fart was worth as a hostage.

Mr. Meeseeks Replaces Pokémon

It’s Youngster Morty vs. Scientist Rick in this Pokémon-style battle in some sort of stadium. Instead of Pocket Morty’s or Pokémon, each uses a Meeseeks box to summon a series of Mr. Meeseeks to fight on their behalf, more often than not destroying their opponent each turn with Fatality-tier, brutal efficiency. Don’t be surprised when things escalate far too quickly.

Rick TV is as Weird as You’d Imagine

The 8-bit “Rick TV” seems to revisit the interdimensional cable concept featured in Seasons 1 and 2 of Rick and Morty. You get some sort of game show with a few familiar faces (including Ants in My Eyes Johnson and others), a Rick head spider monster, “The Flesh Curtains” jamming out, a kaiju-sized Mr. Poopybutthole, and so much more weirdness, including an Aliens riff where Morty is the alien queen.

Watch the Season 3 premiere of Rick and Morty right now, while you still can, and revisit everything we know about the new season right here. The next season is due out this summer.

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