Of all the actors who may play Cable in Deadpool 2, Brad Pitt will not be one of them. Director David Leitch confirmed that although the A-list actor was very interested in the property (going so far as to call him “a fan”), the mustached 53-year-old is now out of the running to play the cyborg mutant due to one of the most boring reasons in the movie industry: It conflicts with his schedule.
In a conversation with ComicBook, Leitch said he had meetings with Brad Pitt that allegedly went well, but Pitt is unable to commit due to his schedule. “We had a great meeting with Brad, he was incredibly interested in the property. Things didn’t work out schedule-wise. He’s a fan, and we love him, and I think he would’ve made an amazing Cable,” Leitch said.
A lot of people thought Pitt would be a great Cable, even people working on Deadpool 2. Last week, concept art featuring Pitt as Cable surfaced online, leading to speculation that he was close to landing the role. But other known candidates for the role include Michael Shannon (Boardwalk Empire) and David Harbour (Stranger Things).
It's Brad Pitt.
As of now, Cable, the son of X-Men leader Cyclops, who travels back in time from the future, is without an actor to fill his gigantic boots. But whoever is selected will need to have some fiery chemistry with Ryan Reynolds’s Merc with a Mouth, since the two are known for their frequent begrudging partnerships in Marvel’s comic books.