Hugh Jackman Could Make a Very Surprising Cameo in 'Deadpool 2'

X-Men fans want Wolverine and Deadpool to cross paths for real, but there’s a problem: Logan was Hugh Jackman’s last time playing Wolverine. He’s done, leaving the iconic character on an extremely high note. However, in a recent interview, the writers behind Deadpool 2 came upon a clever way to make the cameo happen without technically making Jackman play Wolverine again.
While speaking with The Hollywood Reporter about their just-released horror film Life, screenwriters Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese discussed the hotly anticipated 2018 sequel to last year’s Deadpool. Naturally, cameos came up. THR’s interviewer suggested that Jackman make a cameo as himself, actor Hugh Jackman, instead of Wolverine. Reese loved the meta idea.
“Oh my gosh, that’s one we haven’t heard,” he said. “That’s not a bad idea. I like that. Deadpool lives in a world where Hugh Jackman is out there. He’s got the People’s Sexiest Man Alive cover that he staples to his forehead in the first movie, so maybe he could meet Hugh as Hugh. That would be really funny.”
As Reese said, there is a precedent for this. In the first movie, Jackman made a cameo of sorts when Deadpool tries to hide his scarred face with a People cutout. Deadpool 2 could up the stakes with the real deal without making Jackman go back on his word and play Wolverine again.
It's actor Hugh Jackman.
Ahead of Logan, fans were abuzz with speculation that the Merc with a Mouth would pop up in the gritty Western-inspired flick. In the end, Deadpool made an appearance in a pre-movie short, “No Good Deed,” but not the actual film itself, since that would’ve totally clashed with Logan’s serious tone. Clearly, fans want these two characters to meet for real (the less said about X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the better). It seems like circumstances won’t allow for them to grace the screen together without some funny business, but in a way, doesn’t that make perfect sense for Deadpool?
Deadpool 2 will hit theaters sometime in 2018.