
10 Websites Going Dim or Dark for "A Day Without a Woman"

A day of action is planned for March 8.

by Mike Brown
Day Without a Woman

This Wednesday, women are protesting around the world as part of International Women’s Day in a strike called “A Day Without a Woman”. It’s received widespread publicity, asking women to participate in any of these three ways: taking the day off, avoiding shopping unless it’s at small women- and minority-owned businesses, and wearing red in solidarity.

The day has caused some controversy, with critics questioning the inclusivity of action that excludes immigrants, working-class women, and others that cannot afford to lose the day to participate in strike action. Supporters claim that the women who can take action will stand in solidarity with those that cannot.

Several websites have changed their scheduled output in support of the action. Here are 10 websites participating in the day:


The site has flipped its “M” logo into a “W” and its social media accounts, mostly run by women, are going dark for the day. In its place will be a series of scheduled posts. On Twitter, a bot is responding to mentions by explaining that the account is inactive today.

The Cut

The site, part of New York Magazine, will not publish any content on the day and will instead running archived articles. In an editorial letter, the team explained that they had several conversations prior to making this decision, asking whether it was self-righteous to strike when less privileged women are unable to do so. Staff members are also abstaining from the “second shift” — cooking, cleaning and other labor that comes after the day’s work.

The Cut can’t possibly speak to or for every single American woman, but we decided to strike today to show solidarity with the women around the world who are standing up for equal pay and equal opportunity, reproductive freedom, an end to sexual assaults, an end to bigotry of all kinds, and policies that support our families like parental leave, health care, and child care.


The site’s women writers will not publish work on the day, leaving the men to create the content. Jezebel has a majority women audience, and while the senior staff are encouraging the men to think hard about packaging for its audience on a day like today, with its women staff not offering guidance.

A few of our brave volunteers have confessed to being a bit nervous about this experiment, and we agree that they should be. If the site feels different or off or even just “bad” tomorrow, that is very much the point. We wish them the best of luck.


The site, along with its sister site Romper, will not create any new content on the day, and will instead spend the day volunteering at domestic violence centers, food charities, and other organizations that aid women on a daily basis. The two sites normally publish 250 stories per day.

Without our editorial team, which is 97 percent female, we would be unable to produce a site that aims to provide support and a megaphone for women to express how they’re feeling about the world. And there’s no time like the present to prove just how important those women’s voices are to the world — to media, to business, and beyond.


The social network is participating in the strike with a red logo and a special Women’s History Month selection of content on the Explore tab. Female employees are attending the women’s rally in Washington Square at 4 p.m. EST.

Tumblr provides good living wages, extensive health care coverage, and parental leave. In the United States, what should be human rights are instead considered benefits and perks associated with the tech elite and corporate class. These privileges are why it’s imperative that we strike in solidarity with and for those who have more to lose.


Although not formally going on strike, the site will take a break from its regularly scheduled content and switch to covering the day’s events in solidarity with those going on strike. The site’s homepage banner and social icons are also red today.

Whatever your plans, I encourage you to contribute some act of service, if you can. Think especially of acting locally. Sometimes the women who need your support most are closer than you think.


The women-focused news outlet counts 35 female bylines on its site out of 37, with the two male bylines from guest contributors. The site is joining the protest in solidarity, posting just a few pre-written pieces about the strike.

From the large scale problems, like the threat of the new ACA to defund Planned Parenthood completely, to the smaller scale issues, like the pushback against feminism we see every day perpetrated by trolls on social media, we felt it was our duty at this moment to rise up and be counted.

The Geekiary

The all-female team of 14 staff is taking its movie culture-focused site dark for the day, not publishing any new content.


The Condé Nast-owned site will not be publishing any content for the next 24 hours, placing a large banner over its main page to draw attention to its actions.

Let’s be clear: It’s a privilege to be able to skip a day at the office. We’re doing it because, unlike a lot of women, we don’t have to worry that our bosses will get mad or we’re going to lose our jobs. We’re striking for those who can’t afford to take a day off. We’re striking for women of color, immigrant women, trans and queer women, and anyone who’s been disadvantaged by decades and centuries of misogynist policies and discrimination.

The Collective

The comic-focused site, with two female writers and a number of contributors, will not be publishing anything on the day, leaving a simple message explaining more about the day’s purpose.


A number of Fusion’s journalists are going on strike today, but the overall feeling in the office is mixed. The site has posted a number of reactions from its women staff members, with some explaining that they will participate, while others giving their reasons for abstaining. Fusion TV will be screening a number of programs focused on the day’s events.