Supergirl reached a new dramatic peak on Monday when Kara managed to prevent the forced deportation of countless aliens by stopping a massive spaceship from jumping across the universe, but that moment was topped by the arrival of a whole new alien ship in the hour’s closing moments. It looks like Mon-El isn’t the only Daxamite out there — and he’s not really who he says he is, confirming a major fan theory.
Perhaps more shocking than the reveal that Mon-El is actually the prince of Daxam was seeing who his parents are. As a sinister ship floats past the moon, we see two ornately dressed figures noticing that they’re gaining superpowers under Earth’s yellow sun. One pulls down her hood to reveal Teri Hatcher, an actress best known for playing Lois Lane on the ‘90s ABC series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. She’s returning to the DC Universe but with a very different alignment — she’s Mon-El’s mom, and she sure seems like a villain.
Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane in 'The New Adventures of Superman.'
It’s not the first time that we’ve seen Mon-El’s parents. Presumably, they were the two hooded figures who stopped by Slaver’s Moon earlier in the season, killing anybody who got in the way of the search for their royal son.
As far as everyone on Earth knows, Mon-El was just a palace guard, and he says the “actual” prince of Daxam opted to save him rather than evacuate safely. That’s a lie, and it looks like Kara and co. are going to find out the truth in the next episode — and it’s not going to be pretty. Remember, even the Dominators bow to Daxam royalty.
News that Hatcher would be appearing in Supergirl broke a little while ago, though the nature of her role was kept under wraps until now. Hatcher, who also made an appearance late in Smallville’s run, is the latest in a series of clever, winking casting decisions by the CW show. Lynda Carter, who famously played Wonder Woman in the 1970s TV show, showed up as the (secret alien) president this season as well.