Hugh Jackman Shared a Wolverine Photo and People Are Flipping Out

Hugh Jackman is bowing out as Wolverine in James Mangold’s Logan, but after 17 years of playing the character, Jackman has never suited up in Wolverine’s iconic yellow costume. While anything canary-colored seems unlikely in what looks to be an overcast Logan Jackman took to Twitter to teasing the costume with a picture of an old Wolverine action figure. Since fans can’t help themselves, they promptly went berserk.
Around noon on February 4, Jackman posted a picture of Sideshow Collectible’s $250 1/6 scale release of John Byrne’s Wolverine from 1980, introduced in Uncanny X-Men #139. You can tell by the brown accent along with the sharp V-boots, short sleeves, and general design of the torso. It’s not “THE ORIGINAL,” as Jackman worded it in his caption; the original is in fact the classic yellow and blue digs from his debut in The Incredible Hulk from 1974. A neat visual guide to Wolverine’s costume history can be found from
Fans still lit up with excitement and hope that old man Logan in Logan isn’t too old to wear spandex.
Then, fans started begging the actor to wear the suit “at least once” before he hangs up the claws for good.
Some comments were as plain as day: They want him in the suit.
And GIFs were shared! Oh, the GIFs!
Jackman’s silence is deafening. Is he wearing it or not?
Even hardcore X-Men fans are baffled why Jackman has never been given the yellow costume. A deleted scene from 2013’s The Wolverine had Jackman receive the costume as a gift — the John Byrne one too! — but it remains non-canonical, even moreso after 2014’s Days of Future Past.
Fans really believe Jackman as Wolverine, even if Jackman is an Australian hunk standing more than six feet tall. So they’re mad Jackman was never given the costume. They’re also mad about X-Men Origins, but they let that one pass.
But fans are getting fucking serious.
And some fans think it’s Jackman hinting at what’s to come with Logan. But perhaps it won’t be he who wears the yellow, but his “daughter” Laura, who will no doubt become X-23 in future X-Men movies.
Logan will be released March 3.