There's a Giant Demogorgon in the 'Stranger Things' Season 2 Trailer
With the Demogorgon allegedly dead and gone after the finale of Stranger Things Season 1, a big question remains. What would Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, and the citizens of Hawkins, Indiana battle in the highly anticipated second season? The end of the newly released Season 2 trailer that just aired during the Super Bowl gave us our answer: a gigantic Demogorgon!
There’s a lot to unpack in the half-minute clip even though most of the imagery used throughout seems unimportant. After an Eggo waffles VHS fever dream, we seem to get confirmation that Mike and Eleven are somehow telepathically linked — wherever she may be. We see that Dustin and his best buds are serious Ghostbusters fans (like all of us are). There’s also some continuing government shenanigans going on, this time involving a blow torch. And Chief Hopper looks like he’s burying something in a hurry, which is never a good thing.
But the most tantalizing tidbits about Season 2 from the Super Bowl trailer is the gigantic arachnid-like monster hinted at in a charcoal drawing and then standing outside what looks like the Byers house.
Someone has seen this gigantic Demogorgon and drew it with charcoal.
The shot of a male figure — possibly Mike, Will, or even Jonathan Byers — is straight out of Close Encounters of the Third Kind — and some ominous red thunder heralds the coming of a humongous creature is like something out of Stephen King’s The Mist. One this is for sure: We’re not getting some regular old bipedal Demogorgon in Season 2. But there are still some mysteries to be answered. Is the gigantic Demogorgon actually a transformed Will Byers?
Close encounters of the stranger kind.
We’ll find out when the highly anticipated second season of Stranger Things hits Netflix this Halloween. Have a look at the Super Bowl trailer for the millionth time below: