By now, we know that memes can get political. Over the weekend, in response to President Donald Trump’s travel ban, people in cities dotting the nation flooded airports to voice their opposition with chanting and signs. One creative protester at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport caught quite the attention with her meme-turned-sign.
Over the past several weeks, ~ The Internet ~ has been obsessed with an off-the-rails 13-year-old named Danielle who appeared on a Dr. Phil segment in September 2016. Recently, she has gone viral as the clip made the rounds through Tumblr and into other social media for taunting the audience. Danielle calls them a bunch of “hoes” and says, memorably: “Catch me outside, how about that” in such a try-hard accent that it sounds like “Cash me ousside, how bow dah.”:
In the clip, Dr. Phil doesn’t totally get what’s going on and needs a translation from Danielle’s mother to understand what Danielle means by “cash me ousside” — as in she’s down for a brawl in the parking lot. The meat of the moment comes at 3:05:
Plenty of remixes and reaction GIFs have been made of the troubled teen who steals cars and fights her mother, but now her signature catchphrase has been used for a protest sign, signaling the completion of its lifespan and demonstrating the continual convergence of IRL and online.
While at the airport protest, 23-year-old Halima Saida noticed the sign and posted a picture to Instagram.
“The girl who was holding it was across the way from me so I wasn’t anywhere near her/couldn’t talk to her about it, but a few people around me also noticed it, and we all laughed together,” says Saida.
The sign doesn’t completely catch Danielle’s punk-ass inflection of “cash me ousside,” however, the sentiment and thought were there. People were understandably amused by the protester’s use of the internet’s latest craze in the real world.
There’s been plenty of great signs at anti-Trump events, some also invoking pop and online culture. Actor Ian McKellen made use of buddy Patrick Stewart’s meme-d facepalm from Star Trek.
As more anti-Trump marches and protests happen over the next couple of months, there will surely be more signs embracing the internet’s viral trophies to help get their point across with humor — how bow dah.