Like the teaser image for The Force Awakens, the first poster for The Last Jedi showed the Star Wars logo on a simple starfield with the title surrounded by the iconic font, but this time with an ominous blood red color. Still, Star Wars fans can’t help but put their own spin on things: a new fan-designed Last Jedi logo recalls the 1980s design from The Empire Strikes Back.
Reddit user Reddit_PI [submitted a fan-made poster] to the Star Wars subreddit by an artist named Aditya Chakraborty that reinterprets The Last Jedi logo to look like the same interconnected throwback logo from The Empire Strikes Back. It also sports some of Yoda’s last words to Luke from Return of the Jedi confirming that he is, in fact, the last Jedi. But since we’re huge nerds we have to nitpick. The quote on the fan poster says “When gone am I, the last of the Jedi you will be, but Yoda really says “When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be.”
Have a look for yourself below:
It should be, "When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be."
But that doesn’t diminish the fact that this design is a ridiculously awesome alternative look at the latest Star Wars movie, and kind of makes you wish Lucasfilm piggybacked off some of the more lavishly designed logos from the original trilogy. At least they ditched the whole Star Wars: Episode VII - The Last Jedi title scheme mouthful that plagued the prequels.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters in December 15.