How to Stream Donald Trump's Press Conference Today
It's his first presser July.

Nine days before inauguration, President-elect Donald Trump is scheduled to hold his first press conference in more than five months. (It has been 168 days since his last press conference on July 27, 2016.)
The press conference will start at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday and takes place at Trump Tower in New York. You can stream it from CBS or CNN.
You can also stream it from YouTube via PBS:
This press conference comes after CNN first reported that Trump and President Barack Obama’s intelligence briefings on Russia’s cyberattacks included claims that Russia has compromising personal and financial information about Trump. BuzzFeed News then published the full report, which alleges that Trump has deep ties to Russia. Currently, intelligence officials are investigating the accuracy and credibility of these allegations.
Both Trump and a spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin denied these allegations. Trump has tweeted in response to these reports:
Trump is also expected to talk about how he will handle his businesses while he is president and disentangle himself from conflicts of interest. Recently, he named his son-in-law Jared Kushner as a senior adviser.
Trump previously scheduled a press conference Dec. 15 but he canceled it three days before. This is his first formal news conference since July, where he called on Russia to hack Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails and make them public (he later said he was being sarcastic).
The press conference comes on the second day of Senate confirmation hearings and a day after President Barack Obama made his farewell address.