
You Can Make Your Very Own Stormtrooper Doll From ‘Rogue One'

by Caitlin Busch

A young Jyn Erso lost her beloved Stormtrooper doll, Stormy, while she was running from her mother’s killers during the opening scene of Rogue One. Stormy, much like Jyn’s father, Galen Erso, was captured by the Death Troopers while Jyn hid. The doll may be gone forever, but thanks to some crafty Star Wars fans online, you can now make (or buy) a Stormy of your very own.

Instructables — a website that allows users to upload and share their DIY projects with others — has directions to make a Stormtrooper doll DIY from user “backwards lamb,” as The Verge noted. The instructions are simple enough, and the tools and materials are pretty basic, including items such as air-dry clay, acrylic paint, elastic, sandpaper, and a few more things. There are eight steps, and by the time you’re finished, you end up with a pretty spot-on recreation of Jyn’s Stormy (so dubbed in the Rogue One prequel novel, Catalyst).

No one would blame you, though, if you’re feeling lazy and just want to buy one. Stormtrooper Crafts on Etsy has a convincing replica you can buy for $45, though it’s still probably cheaper to make your own if you have the time and want to put forth the effort.

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