The Holiday 'Overwatch' Skins Are Here and They Are Lovely
Blizzard brought some great gifts this year.

Blizzard has officially launched its third seasonal event for Overwatch, Winter Wonderland. With it comes a bunch of cosmetic customization items for everyone’s favorite heroes, including a set of new skins, voice lines, emotes, and more — which you can obtain from the themed loot boxes available in the game until January 2. There’s loads of them, and some are way more costly than others.
Notable additions here include the obvious Santa-clad Torbjörn and Nutcracker Zenyatta. The Legendary skins, by and large, look stunning. That said, would it kill Blizzard to show D.Va mains a little love during the seasonal events? Oh well. Maybe next year. Regardless, here’s every unlockable available in the update minus the voice lines and sprays.
Santaclad Torbjörn (Legendary — 3000 Credits)
Mei-rry Mei (Legendary — 3000 Credits)
Jingle Tracer (Legendary — 3000 Credits)
Nutcracker Zenyatta (Legendary — 3000 Credits)
Yeti Winston (Legendary — 3000 Credits)
Frosted Zarya (Epic — 750 Credits)
Rudolph Roadhog (Epic — 750 Credits)
Andes Lúcio (Epic — 750 Credits)
Scrooge McCree (Epic — 750 Credits)
Frostbite Pharah (Epic — 750 Credits)
Shiver Reaper (Epic — 750 Credits)
Peppermint Sombra (Epic — 750 Credits)
Highlight Intros (750 Credits each)
Under the Mistletoe — Windowmaker
Snowflakes — Symmetra
Mystery Gift — Zarya (3000 Credits)
Hat Trick — McCree (750 Credits)
Snowman — Mei (750 Credits)
Victory Poses (225 Credits each)
Toast — Ana
Festive — D.Va
Mistletoe — Mercy
Toast — Pharah
Toast — Torbjörn
Toast — Soldier: 76
Toast — Reinhardt