New 'Logan' Scene Shows Wolverine's Funny (Adamantium) Bones

Watch the trailer for James Mangold’s Logan and you’d think the folks at Marvel had been reading a lot of Cormac McCarthy. But a new scene in the bleak finale of the spin-off Wolverine trilogy, screened at Comic Con Experience in Brazil last weekend, proves there’s still time for some jokes.
Brazilian fan site Universo X-Men, translated by fan blog X-Men Films, describe the scene taking place in the home on a family farm, where Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Xavier (Patrick Stewart), and Laura, aka X-23 (Dafne Keen) are hiding out while on the run. The trio haven’t told the host family they’re mutants, which is where the comedic tension between Wolverine and Xavier occur. Logan tells the family Xavier used to be a school principal, “for students with special needs.” Xavier mentions that Logan used to be a student too.
The scene also features Laura, who is a bit of a feral child, learning to properly eat with the help of Wolverine. The scene shows a father-daughter-type dynamic, according to X-Men Films. Thematically, that makes sense given his protection over her in Logan, but it might also forebode their more actual father-daughter relationship from Laura’s DNA cloning.
It’s not out of character for Wolverine to be funny — he comes from comic books, after all. The 1992 animated X-Men series has been a fountain of memes and GIFs of Wolverine being silly, and Hugh Jackman is an accomplished actor with wide range; his opening performance from the 2009 Oscars is still a hoot.
Let's not forget he also pretended to be Batman for this performance.
Logan will be released March 3.