
Giphy Will Save Your Old Vines But They Won't Have Sound


by Tonya Riley

If you’ve been scrambling the past 24 hours to save your beloved Vines, worry not — Giphy has your back. On Friday, the company announced it would allow users to import their Vines with a new tool “launching soon.”

And on Saturday, the Giphy tool to import all your old Vines went online.

Twitter announced this week that it was closing down Vine.

Vine announced it would be keep its website online so that users can still “access and download” their old Vines.

“Vine has committed to letting people download their Vines as well as keeping these visible on,” Giphy writes in a Medium post. “We wanted to add another fun way for loops to live on.”

Giphy says it will save the sound of your imported Vines, since the Giphy deals in GIF — Graphics Interchange Format — there won’t be sound. When Inverse asked if Giphy would eventually offer converted Vines with sound, a representative replied, simply:

As true Vine-heads know, a Vine without sounds isn’t much of a Vine. The platform became notorious for its brilliant mashups of songs and videos. It was also a platform for important political moments and social activism. Giphy, a place to find reaction GIFs to flirt with, can hardly make the same claims.

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