Here's the Eleven from 'Stranger Things' Costume for Men
L'Eggo my Eggo.

Stranger Things will undoubtedly be a big — if not the biggest — inspiration for 2016 Halloween costumes, and no character has proven more iconic than Eleven. From Peter Pan collar to knee socks, she rocks the devastatingly powerful telekinetic powers bestowed upon her like the true boss she is.
A shaved head is going to make this costume easiest, and if you’re conforming to gender norms, then it’s probably the dudes who will win. Long blonde wigs like she wore for a bit are also encouraged, but if you’re going for trademark, scary-powerful Eleven then a shaved head is the way to go. And because we don’t want you to get overwhelmed just like Eleven when she uses her powers too much, we’re only including her main outfit throughout the first season. But don’t let that stop you from expanding. Please just don’t get mad at us and aim that menacing stare our way.
Below you’ll find a list of clothing items and accessories to deck yourself out in this Halloween and help you release your inner middle-school-age badass.
Jacket — $15
Finding the amazingly wide-collared jacket that Eleven sports is a little difficult in the year 2016, but this navy nylon windbreaker from Amazon is sure to capture the right vibe and keep you warm in the woods around Hawkins. Make sure you order it a size too big so it looks ready to swallow you whole.
Dress — $69
Go big or go home. Eleven’s dress — stolen (uh, borrowed) from Nancy Wheeler — is what’s going to make or break this costume. It’s impossible to find IRL, but, luckily for all of us, Etsy artists are on your side with a dress made to your measurements. Or, if you want to save a little cash, you can get a pattern to make your own.
Socks — $10
As close as we can get to El’s green-and-yellow-striped knee socks are these yellow-striped ones from Amazon. We think you’ll be forgiven without the green, but if there’s a will there’s a way to force two of the stripes green.
Wig — $15.29
Eleven doesn’t wear a wig for very long in the show, so this item is definitely the most optional of the list. But if you don’t have a shaved head — and don’t want to commit that much to this costume — then this is your answer.
Shoes — $45-$55
Not only are white sneakers a good investment for everyday wear, but they’ll also match Eleven’s and help you run away from various Demogorgons. These Chuck Taylor All Star Hi-Tops are the way to go.
Eggo Waffles – Whatever your local grocery shop charges
To keep you fueled on Halloween night, may we suggest some Eggo Homestyle Waffles. Eleven’s breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack of choice varies in price, but it’s absolutely necessary.
Fake blood — $5
Head over to your local Halloween shop and pick up some fake blood to dribble down your nose. (Or just order this one online for the sake of convenience.)