
Contrary to a New Theory, Kylo Is Totally Han and Leia's Son

by Caitlin Busch
Mashable and Starecat.com

There is absolutely no way Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is the son of anyone other than Han Solo and Leia Organa, though a new fan theory would try to make you think otherwise. Come on: If Kylo Ren’s sense of drama in Star Wars: The Force Awakens is to be blamed on anyone, it would be his father, Han Solo.

To keep us entertained in the drought between The Force Awakens and Episode VIII a new theory by Reddit user LemmysGhost claims that Kylo Ren isn’t Han and Leia’s son. Gasp!

“If you watch through TFA, never once is it specifically said that Kylo (Adam Driver) is Han and Leia’s son,” LemmysGhost writes. “I am fairly sure Kylo will end up being their nephew, the son they speak of is a different character.”

While revealing Kylo Ren wasn’t Han and Leia’s son could be an “I’m your father”-level plot twist for this generation, we really have to disagree with LemmysGhost. In lieu of a midi-chlorian-based paternity test, we’ve gathered some evidence that Han and Leia are, in fact, Kylo Ren’s parents, and that the writers didn’t take Spaceballs as inspiration.


When Han and Kylo Ren meet on the bridge in The Force Awakens, setting up Han’s fateful moment, Han tells Kylo to take off his mask. Kylo asks Han what he thinks he’ll see if he does, and Han responds with: “The face of my son.” The mask is removed, and Han doesn’t seem surprised by what he sees — in other words: His son is under that Knights of Ren mask.

Han versus Kylo

Secondly, and most convincingly, is this line from Supreme Leader Snoke while speaking to Kylo Ren: “The droid you seek is aboard the Millennium Falcon in the hands of your father, Han… Solo.” This is the big reveal in the film (hence the dramatic pause).

So, we’re very, very convinced that Kylo Ren and Ben Solo are the same person. Check out Star Wars: Episode VIII in theaters on December 15, 2017, for more proof.

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