
The New 'South Park' Game Has a Fart Smelling VR Headset

Boldly go where no gamer really wants to go.

by Mike Brown

Ubisoft built a virtual reality headset that makes you smell farts. Naturally, it’s meant to be used with the new South Park game, The Fractured but Whole.

The aptly-named Nosulus Rift straps around the player’s nose, providing a whiff of odor every time the main character farts. Considering that playable character New Guy uses “the power of [his] ass” to get around, chances are there’s gonna be a whole lot of smelling going on. Ubisoft has even produced a promo site and making-of video to explain its thought process, but even after looking at both it’s still unclear why on Earth players want to sit around smelling farts.

The Fractured but Whole continues right where 2014’s The Stick of Truth left off, building on its predecessor’s RPG elements to tell a new story about the kids donning superhero capes.

The game arrives for Windows, PS4 and Xbox One on December 6. Before then, Nosulus Rift will have its world premiere at Gamescom, from the 17-21 August in the German city of Cologne. No word on whether Ubisoft chose the city because of its name. Check out the Nosulus Rift trailer experience here, in case you were worried that VR wouldn’t eventually include enough olfactory stimulation.