Harley Quinn Enrages Obama In DC's 'Suicide Squad' Rebirth
"The suicide squad is finished."

DC announced a Suicide Squad takeover for their newest Rebirth releases this week, including first time issues of Suicide Squad: Rebirth, Harley Quinn: Rebirth and Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Boomerang, all leading up to the release of the Suicide Squad film on August 5th.
Inverse is proud to publish a preview of DC Rebirth’s first look at the Squad, a group that apparently exists in an alternate version of the United States, in which President Obama is still in office and knows about super-humans. In the preview panels below, Obama admonishes Amanda Waller for allowing Harley Quinn too long of a leash after he sees a photograph of Joker’s bae taking a bloody bite out of a prison guard’s cheek.
When Obama demands Waller shuts down the Suicide Squad for good, she reminds him that terrible things are afoot in the DC universe, and that some of those threats to the public are too dark, too messy for even the Justice League to contend with. She attempts to assure Obama by offering Rick Flag (spelled here as “Flag”, instead of the usual “Flagg”) as a possible new leader for the Squad.
Check out the ramping up below.
Suicide Squad hits theaters August 5th, and the first issue of Suicide Squad: Rebirth will be available August 3rd at a comic book shop near you.