Vertigo's 'Unfollow' Kills A Social Media Tycoon, Ignites Chaos
Issue 10 looks to dive deeper into the amorality of wealth.

Issue 10 of Unfollow, Vertigo’s social media-themed murder thriller will hit comic book stores this Wednesday. If you’re not up to speed, the series follows 140 individuals chosen at random by Larry Ferrell, a dying social media tycoon, to inherit his fortune. The wealth will be divided equally between however many members of the chosen 140 to outlive Ferrell himself, which means we’ve already seen some of the main characters dodge ruthless murder attempts. We’ve seen the gang struggle with their newfound internet celebrity and constant peril, and shit got monstrously real in issue 9. Now Inverse has an exclusive preview of what’s coming next.
The biggest twist is that it looks like Larry Ferrell is definitely dead, so however many characters are left standing at the time are now, officially, insanely rich. Fittingly, we then cut to David, who celebrates his new wealth by being wildly irresponsible with an anti-aircraft gun. He’s on some unnamed island, with a friendly, heavily armed fellow named Andrei, who is being paid to protect him.
Andrei looks like a real hoot. He refers to his anti-aircraft gun as a his wife “with dangerous tits” and tells Dave, “You’re rich now…. There are no repercussions.” The issue summary tells us that Dave is not the only member of the 140 hunkered down on that island, so shit is definitely going to get ugly.
Issue 10 of Unfollow is available Wednesday, August 3rd in a comic shop near you.