Captain America Calls Trump Attack on Clinton "Disgusting"
Really, Chris Evans, is the most disgusting soundbite?

Chris Evans, who plays Marvel’s Captain America, is not an avid Twitter user. Since he joined in 2012, he’s tweeted just over 300 times, and has liked only one tweet in history — and that tweet was his, so he probably just screwed up and clicked something accidentally. Despite not being tweet-fluent, Evans typed out his concern about the Trump campaign attacking Hillary Clinton’s character.
Marvel’s cinematic Cap linked to a speech given by Paul Manafort, regarding Melania Trump plagiarizing language from Michelle Obama while speaking at the Republican National Convention. Manafort masterfully found a way to bring up Hillary Clinton while sidestepping whether the Trump campaign purposefully stole paragraphs from Michelle Obama, saying, “This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down.” Captain America not only takes issue with that particular accusation, but went so far as to call it the “most disgusting soundbite of the campaign.”
Perhaps he meant most desperate, rather than most disgusting, considering Trump himself has asserted, waving his impossibly tiny hands about, that Mexican immigrants are rapists and that the United States should bar all Muslims from entering the country.
As far as the other members of the cinematic Avengers and their political leanings, Robert Downey Jr. told Howard Stern in May that Tony Stark would back Hillary Clinton, saying he believes Stark is a “budding feminist”.
Last year, Anthony Mackie, who plays Falcon, joked that he’d love to run Trump’s campaign, and then back-pedaled in the press. If any of the actors playing the Avengers are in support of Trump, they’re certainly not telling the press about it.
Judging by Jeremy Renner’s weird track record of dismissing women’s issues, he might be the most likely candidate for a Trump-supporting superhero.