Why Geillis Needs to Dominate 'Outlander' Season 3
Geillis returned at the end of Season 2. Season 3 needs to make her a strong presence again.

It’s almost easy to forget that Outlander is a time travel show, as it lingers far more on Claire’s daily life than the mechanics of her journey. That’s part of what made Geillis Duncan compelling (aside from her delightful husband-murdering ways, her crazy eyes, and her keen appreciation for barbecues). The Season 1 reveal that she was a fellow time traveler revisited one of the story’s most intriguing threads. Her return in Season 2’s “Dragonfly In Amber” signified a pivot towards a greater exploration of time travel. Add in the fact that — very mild Season 3 spoiler alert — she’s got a pivotal role in Voyager, and she’s sure to have a presence in Season 3.
But it’s up to the showrunners exactly how strong that presence will be. They dialed up Frank and Murtagh, who were both far more significant on the screen than they were on the page, and added in some PTSD scenes with Claire in “Je Suis Prest.” It’s up to their discretion whether Geillis’s role in Season 3 will be for just a single episode or whether it will be longer.
Just like Murtagh, they would be wise to bring Geillis further into the spotlight than she is on the page. She’s a lively screen presence, which the show needs after losing dynamic characters like Dougal and Angus and gaining dull characters like Brianna. Not to mention, as a character steeped in the show’s history, she’ll balance out all the new characters Season 3 will bring.
Her crazy eyes and forest dancing add a sense of whimsey Season 2 has lacked, and her presence will bring the ever-present intriguing question of time travel to the forefront. An emphasis on Geillis will make Season 3 a stretch of episodes worth drinking to. Slàinte.