
This New 'Overwatch' Rap is the Stuff of Legends 

YouTuber Dan Bull proves that rappers have a place in Blizzard's latest release. 

by Nicholas Bashore

Video game focused content is extremely popular these days online, with hundreds of parodies and music videos being created and uploaded to sites like YouTube every day. While the market for good content is certainly over-saturated these days – an occasional legend pulls though, one with the right feel and timing that keeps it ahead of the game.

Today, that video is Dan Bull’s latest rap.

The British YouTuber is known for a great many things, most of which are his various rap videos themed to the latest video game releases from the industry. Over his career he’s worked on original songs for huge launch titles like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Assassin’s Creed, but his newest Overwatch rap is easily on of his best.

Focused on the 21 heroes that make up Overwatch’s colorful character roster, his ‘Overwatch Epic Rap’ highlights every character’s abilities and quirky personality all while looping back to a calm chorus. It’s easily one of the best videos we’ve seen for the game thus far.