Watch Carly Rae Jepsen Force a Girl to Flirt With Some Dude In Japanese Shampoo Ad
Japanese shampoo brand 'Moist Diane' really really really really really really really likes Carly Rae

Finding footage of American (or in this case, Canadian) celebrities making cameos in foreign commercials is one of our world’s most pure joys. The phenomenon was fictionalized in Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation, which features a frazzled Bill Murray acting in a fake Japanese liquor commercial. There are other countless examples available online. Monday saw the online release of a “Moist Diane” ad, touting a Japanese brand of women’s shampoo. The commercial is adorable, and features a dance number in an airport, set to Carly Rae Jepsen’s “I Really Really Like You.”
Jepsen herself makes an appearance, wearing what appears to be an old time-y brass band leader’s jacket, coaxing a young girl into confessing something to a boy wearing a backpack. What the girl says in Japanese is either some version of “I really really really really really really really like you”, or “do you like how my new Moist Diane shampoo smells?” Whatever she says to him, it’s enough to inspire him to kiss her, and the music crescendoes. The couple is united, and Carly Rae can finally return to Canada, her wandering spirit released from the airport terminal in Japan.
Watch the commercial, and for the love of god, if you speak Japanese, please let us know what the girl says to the guy at the end. Many of us at Inverse are thirsty, and we don’t have access to Moist Diane, but we want to know how to get cute boys at the airport to kiss us. Shoot an email to with the answers we need.
UPDATE: Trevor Wilson tells us the following: