No, Sansa is Not Pregnant With Ramsay's Baby on 'Game of Thrones'
"The Battle of The Bastards" is raising one fan theory that is definitely not correct.

“The Battle of The Bastards” had one of the most surprisingly satisfying episode endings in Game of Thrones history. Sansa literally fed her rapist to his own dogs and did a cool-guy action movie slow walk away from the wreckage. It was pure catharsis delivered in a way that’s rare for a show in which terrible things regularly happen to good people.
But some viewers are taking Sansa and Ramsay’s final conversation, in which he says, “I’m part of you now,” to be a sign he left something behind and knocked her up.
But there is no plausible reason why this could possibly be referring to pregnancy.
Game of Thrones has a confusing timeline — it took the Starks weeks to reach King’s Landing in Season 1, yet Theon and Yara can get from the Iron Islands to Volantis in a few hours. Petyr Baelish seems to teleport by his own laws of time, space, and plot convenience, while Daenerys has been theoretically trying to get to Westeros for six seasons. Gilly’s baby was an infant for several seasons while Fat Walda conceived and gave birth to a child in the span of a few episodes. Time is often whatever the writers need it to be. Be that as it may, Sansa married Ramsay long enough ago for word to reach the remote corners of the world, since Lyanna Mormont knew about it.
Meanwhile, news of Jon’s death and resurrection hasn’t had time to spread, otherwise people would be far more impressed by him. Plus, if Sansa was pregnant, she would be showing enough for Jon and Brienne to have noticed by now.
Ramsay’s wording
This is more of a common sense thing, but in case it wasn’t, if there is anything we should have learned from recent current events, it’s that rape and torture are lasting forms of trauma. Ramsay knows this; he’s an expert at it. It’s how he got Theon to be his personal whipping boy for so long. Ramsay is part of Theon now too — which is why he was so tense in that brothel in “The Broken Man.” Thanks to Ramsay’s psychological conditioning, Theon is no longer comfortable with the idea of sex. Ramsay’s words mean nothing more than the lasting affects of rape and torture — not babies.
Plot sensibility
The Game of Thrones writers do not do subtlety without George R. R Martin. This season has proven that whenever we think something more complicated is at work, we can discard that. We thought Arya’s storyline couldn’t possibly have writing shitty enough for her to act wildly out of character so she must be a Faceless Man in disguise; it turned out the writing was indeed shitty. We thought Smalljon Umber wouldn’t really align with Ramsay and there was a Great Northern Conspiracy at work; it turned out he really did align with Ramsay (only to get his throat magnificently bitten by Tormund).
We thought there were hints at Cleganebowl; they amounted to nothing. When Game of Thrones wants to telegraph something this season, it’s done it in a far more obvious way, like consistently bringing up the Mad King’s fire stores.
If there’s anything the Game of Thrones writers have proven about their off-book capabilities, it’s that they subscribe to Occam’s razor: the simplest answer is usually the winner. Ramsay is a dick who likes to torture, and his last words to Sansa were merely a last attempt to poke an open wound. Too bad for him that he was wounded, too, and his hounds were hungry.