Larry David Riffs on Caesar's Famous Quote in Today's 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' News
Larry David's neurotic HBO comedy is getting a ninth season.

It’s been five years since Larry David’s HBO comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm made audiences cringe with delight, but now the premium cable channel is reporting that they’re bringing David back for a ninth season. While there are no specifics on premiere dates or casting, this is still undeniably good news for fans of the show. The no-holds-barred sitcom from the co-creator of Seinfeld made a name for itself tackling off-limits issues with a gleeful, wholehearted stupidity.
“In the immortal words of Julius Caesar, ‘I left, I did nothing, I returned,’” David said about the return on HBO’s Medium site.
Of course, that’s not at all true. For one, Caesar of course said, “Veni, vidi, vici” (“I came, I saw, I conquered”), and David’s been quite busy since the last episode of Curb at the end of Season 8 on September 11, 2011.
From his time as the lead on Fish in the Dark, a remarkably successful Broadway play he wrote, to his recent attention nailing a near-weekly impression of Bernie Sanders on SNL, David has remained active (and awesome) in his post-Curbed years.
There’s still a lot to know about the ninth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but there’s no reason to suspect that the entire cast isn’t coming back for the fun. J.B. Smoke already teased it. No one turns awkward into hilarious like Larry David and it’s exciting to see him back in his element once again.