New Apple Campus Drone Footage Shows the Cupertino "Spaceship" Is Coming Along Nicely
Steve Jobs's big dream is coming closer to reality.

Apple’s neo-megalith continues to expand. On Wednesday morning, a faithful YouTuber uploaded the June edition of a series documenting the Apple Campus’s growth and development. The covert drone footage is awe-inspiring, and the campus itself is something straight out of a science-fiction blockbuster.
We’ve known about the Apple Campus for some time, now, and we’ve been privy to its construction since even November. Back in April, it was already looking pretty swanky. Before that, in March, Tim Cook gave us a detailed depiction of the finished product:
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during an Apple special event on March 21, 2016 in Cupertino, California.
The Apple Campus actually dates back to Steve Jobs, though. (If you’ve any remaining doubt, then, about Tim Cook’s suitability as Apple commander in chief, you can put that doubt aside with respect to this project.) Jobs, back in 2011, explained the “spaceship”-like project to the Cupertino City Council: “If you build things, this is not the cheapest way to build something. There is not a straight piece of glass in the building. It’s all curved.”
But that’s just the main building. The drone video, shot by Duncan Sinfield, highlights the other structures, which include an 8,000-car parking garage, the underground auditorium, and the research and development center. (We won’t even venture a guess about what’ll actually go on inside there.)
Apple expects to complete its campus by the end of this year, and this footage would suggest that it’s well on its way to achieving that lofty goal.
Sinfield is doing a public service, but he may also be playing with fire in the form of California drone rules. Meanwhile, employees are most likely willing to move on from their previous headquarters, given that these new digs will be otherworldly — but especially so after the tragedy in April.