Spider-Man Fights the Winter Soldier in 'Captain America: Civil War' TV Spot
"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!"

There’s a little over a week until Captain America: Civil War hits theaters nationwide, which means it’s almost time for fans to be introduced to the latest iteration of Spider-Man.
Before then, though, Marvel is whetting fans’ appetites with fresh Spidey footage in a new TV spot for Civil War. Here, the wall-crawler is in direct combat with Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, which makes for a pretty difficult first test.
Despite being a short, 30-second teaser, the new Spidey’s youth shines through. “You have a metal arm?!” he exclaims as he stops a brutal looking punch with a single hand, showing off some of his own impressive strength.
After Marvel announced that Spider-Man will be folded into the MCU, rumors swirled that the rebooted character would be fast-tracked into the upcoming Marvel films. Given the speed with which Spider-Man was put into Civil War, some wondered how big a role he would play in the upcoming film. Thanks to the recent trailers, it seems like Civil War will not be wasting Spidey’s first Marvel appearance.
And it’s not just fan service: critical consensus from early reviews of the film indicate that Holland is exceptional as the new Peter Parker/Spider-Man.