'DOOM' Comes With Level Editing Tools, Becomes Horrifying 'Mario Maker'
How the biggest selling point for 'DOOM 4' isn't getting talked about.

While reviewing some of the details about the upcoming DOOM reboot from Bethesda, we noticed mentions of something called “SnapMap” that had been missing from all of our previous press releases. Turns out it isn’t a secret, but no one is talking about SnapMap — and that’s a shame. It is, hands down, the most exciting reason to buy this new DOOM sight unseen.
From the Bethesda site:
DOOM® SnapMap - A powerful, but easy-to-use game and level editor that allows for limitless gameplay experiences on every platform. Anyone can snap together and customize maps, add pre-defined or custom gameplay, and edit game logic to create new modes. Instantly play your creation or make it available to players around the world.
See if you can follow on how revolutionary this is. The Doom community is the birthplace of modding, and it has always been a programmer’s haven. By releasing these creation tools on every platform, including consoles, DOOM 4 will have an unending amount of content. And look at the level of customization included! The snap-system of putting together pre-made hubs makes it easy for anyone to get started on a beginner level, but even the details like how much explosion should come spewing from an individual barrel is changeable, as show in this photo:
Doom 4. Image via GameInformer.
I don’t even care about playing the actual game now, I just want to get in there and start building some truly horrifying sequences to scare my girlfriend with. I get to make my own Doom and play the kind of messed up levels that my friends are going to make?
I finally understand why everyone lost their mind over Mario Maker.
Give it to me now.
DOOM is out in May.