Watch the Trailer for Final Fantasy XV's CGI Movie Starring Game of Thrones's Sean Bean and Lena Headey
The latest installment of the epic game series comes out on September 30.

The newest installment of the epic Final Fantasy game series got some huge news on Wednesday night at the FFXV Uncovered event. Fans of the series will get their hands on the game on September 30, but the full-length CGI companion film promises to convert Game of Thrones fans en mass. Kingsglaive stars ‘Thrones alums Sean Bean and Lena Headey and Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul.
Developer Square Enix also announced that the game will have a five-episode anime series serving as a prequel to the game. Final Fantasy XV will follow the story of Noctis, a young boy who leaves the capital of Crown City to go on a sword and monster-filled road trip with three of his friends. Kingsglaive will tell the story of Noctis’s father, King Regis; and by the looks of the trailer, includes Game of Thrones-esque political intrigue and plenty of sword-wielding robot-knights. According to The Verge the anime series will be released for free on YouTube in five 10-minute episodes, the first of which should go live on Wednesday night.
It’s not the first time Square Enix has put out a high-budget full-length companion film for a flagship series. Kingsglaive’s director, Takeshi Nozue, previously co-directed 2005’s Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and brought most of his core team to the new film.
Kingsglaive should come out sometime this year before the game’s release. You can watch the full trailer below.