
An Algorithm Explains How to Clean Up After Your Dog During Mud Season

You have questions about post-winter dog sidewalk etiquette, the algorithm has answers.

by Lauren Sarner

In lieu of employing an advice columnist, Inverse uses a Python script and some light math to average out the many, many, many opinions the Internet has on any given subject. This remains an imperfect science.

Dear Algorithm,

Now that it looks like snow is definitely not going to be a thing this year, it’s no longer acceptable to leave dog shit on the sidewalk in hopes that a snowbank will disguise it. I still see people doing this. I said something to one guy today, but he just pulled out his phone and showed me a forecast for snow coming soon. I’m pretty sure it’s not, but you can’t really respond to something like that. Which one of us was in the right, here? How should I have responded?

Conflicted in Chicago

Dear Conflicted,

It’s unsanitary and just plain rude to leave your dog’s poop in it — no matter how securely sealed it may be. The event occurred at night, that means that my dog Wade and I spend a lot of time pounding the pavement. Secondly, we’re surrounded by lots of people — and dogs!

On our walks we are always crossing paths with new and familiar faces, and when we’re surrounded by lots of people — or even a community dumpster — pack your poop all the way home.Everyone makes honest mistakes. What most people don’t realize is that embedded in criticism – constructively conveyed – is the wish to help someone get better at what they’re doing.

As a dog owner, I also know what it means the poop bag would remain in the neighbor’s trash bin for several days (a week in my Baltimore neighborhood), until the next collection. While a person’s trash bin for several days (a week in my Baltimore neighborhood), until the next collection. While a person’s trash bin for several days (a week in my Baltimore neighborhood), until the next collection. While a person’s trash may no longer be their property, their bin is, and thus you have no right to put your dog’s poop in it — no matter where you live, but in urban areas it’s even more critical.

City dog parents face a host of challenges when out with their dogs that require a keen sense of their surroundings, other dogs and other people, at all times.Dear Abby tackled one of the actor’s new PETA adoption campaign—(he is doing public service with them, posed shirtless with them, cried with them, posed shirtless with them, too)—which shows him in loving embrace with her advice on this one. Tom Hardy loves dogs. There are no public trash receptacles available. Pack your poop all the way home.Everyone makes honest mistakes. What most people don’t realize is that embedded in criticism–constructively conveyed–is the wish to help someone they’re wrong. It’s uncomfortable, for one thing. You also might come off as rigid.

Dog etiquette is important. City dog parents face a host of challenges when out with their dogs that require a keen sense of their surroundings, other dogs and other people, at all times.

He has posed shirtless with them. There are plenty of reasons not to tell someone they’re wrong. While there are some neighbors that might be cool about this, myself included, it’s bad form, and everyone is like, ‘Why is that poodle so snarky?’ Fuck you.

It’s not uncommon to hear a furry neighbor. Hardy reveals strong feelings about poodle haircuts. “Abby, we were 15 minutes from home, but given the choice, I would rather not carry that bag and figured a garbage bin is a garbage bin. I’ll abide by your answer and admit I was wrong if you say so.”


Your friendly neighborhood Algorithm