
You Can Now Code With Emoji

A new programming language employs emoji.

by Adam Toobin

Emojis have more or less taken over the English language. No text or tweet can really be thought complete without a little πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯πŸ˜€ to drive home the message.

Now, one of the last bastions of the written words has finally gone over to the light side β€” a new programming language employs emoji to run commands and make programs.

And emojicode is not a superficial language either. It’s a high-level programming language that supports cross-platform applications and executes commands faster than a typical virtual processor. In the words of its creators:

Emojicode is a delimiter-less, object orientated, imperative, high-level, hybrid language. Its language fix points and methods are emoji. Emojicode has a focus on integrating systems well, being Unicode compatible, and providing a stable and consistent interface.

You may still need traditional text to set variables, but the language is remarkably emoji-proficient. However, reading the how-to guide takes you down something of a rabbit hole of bizarre sentence structure and half-emotion, half-technical application confusion.

This is the minimum structure every program must have. πŸ‡ 🐼 πŸ‡ defines a class called 🐼. πŸ‡πŸ– �➑️➑️ πŸš‚ πŸ‡ defines a class method called 🏁, which returns πŸš‚, an integer. 🍎 0 returns the value.

There is a certain amount of logic in the way the program uses emoji. For example: β€œWhen a program is run, the class method 🏁 is called to start the program.” That makes sense: A racing flag signals β€œGo.”

On the other hand, we’re not sure what to make of a sentence like this one: β€œπŸ‹ οΏΌπŸ”‘ πŸ‡ says: Extend the class πŸ”‘ (That’s the string class). πŸ– 🐷 ➑️ πŸ”‘οΏΌ declares a method called 🐷 and returning an instance of the πŸ”‘ classοΏΌοΏΌ.”