John Oliver's Request to "Make Donald Drumpf Again" Picks Up Steam Online
"The sound produced when a morbidly obese pigeon flies into the window of a foreclosed Old Navy."

John Oliver’s segment on Donald Trump’s tough-guy-mogul image was something to behold on Sunday’s Last Week Tonight. But the pièce de résistance of the nearly 22-minute takedown was the show’s campaign to force Trump to change the family name back to the original “Drumpf” moniker of the Donald’s ancestors.
A Trump by another other name wouldn’t be nearly as successful, Oliver says.
“The very name Trump is the cornerstone of his brands. If only there was a way to uncouple that magical word from the man he really is,” Oliver said, before offering a solution, starting at about the 18-minute mark. We’ve cued it up for you below:
“It turns out the name Trump wasn’t always his family’s name,” Oliver says. “One biographer had found that a prescient ancestor had changed it from — and this is true — ‘Drumpf.’ Yes, fucking ‘Drumpf.’ And ‘Drumpf’ is much less magical. It’s the sound produced when a morbidly obese pigeon flies into the window of a foreclosed Old Navy. ‘Drumpf.’”
“That is why tonight, I am asking “America to Make Donald Drumpf Again,” Oliver said, to wild applause.
Last Week Tonight has already filed the paperwork to trademark the “Drumpf” name and bought the domain name. Visit that site and you can buy a “Make Donald Drumpf Again” hat (sold at cost, which Oliver predicts will piss Trump off more than anything) and even download a Google Chrome extension named the “Drumpfinator” to replace all the “Trumps” with “Drumpfs” in your browser.
The “Drumpf” angle is new and brilliant but this isn’t the first time coders have taken on Trump. This January, some hackers from Rice University wrote a TrumpScript, which requires numbers used be strictly greater than 1 million, because why bother with chump change?
Trump has uncharacteristically failed to respond yet. Though, if history is any indication, late night comedy hosts messing with his name hits, in the words of Jon Stewart, a “Fuckface Von Nervestick.”
If you’re interested in keeping up with the movement to get people to start calling him Donald J. Drumpf, you can also check out the small but lively subreddit, r/Drumpf.