When Will McDonald's Start Serving Beer in the United States?
If all-day breakfast is any indication, it could be sooner than you'd think.

Perhaps you were watching The Bachelor this week. Or perhaps you have some self-respect. I do not, so I couldn’t help getting slapped in the face with a shameless product placement date, Ben taking Amanda to his hometown McDonald’s for some grub. (He’s also starring in ads for the burger chain.) I couldn’t help but think that things would’ve been groovier with some of The Bachelor’s trademark alcohol overindulgence. Why can’t a blue-blooded American grab a brew with his/her Big Mac?
This month will see the opening of Asia’s first beer-infused McD’s — in South Korea — and many European outlets have been slinging suds for years. Hell, I’ve had a Kronenbourg, myself, at a Parisian McDonald’s, no doubt inspired by Quentin Tarantino bringing such a cultural dissonance to our shores. Residents of Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and other Euro nations can imbibe, too.
It’s only a matter of time for us, I’d be willing to bet. Taco Bell has already rolled out two locations of its Cantina, which serves booze. Same goes for the BK Whopper Bar, which is still alive and kicking Las Vegas. But, forget the competition: The most important factor at work here is the company’s newfound openness to change. When customers asked for all-day breakfast, they got it. And, now, the Golden Arches are raking in the profits. So, if you want a Budweiser ‘n’ McNuggets, let CEO Steve Easterbrook and his company know. A good place to start is Twitter.
There, now it’s your turn. I’ll toast you — legally — at the McDonald’s near Penn Station when this pops off.