The project will break ground on Earth Day.
In Utah, for example, more than 50 structures cross over and under roads to help tortoises, deer, and other creatures cross unharmed.
Lili Media & Design Lab
On Earth Day (April 22), California will break ground on the world’s largest wildlife bridge known as the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing.
Smaller than mountain lions, these cats also live in fragmented habitats around LA and need a lot of space to hunt.
Other large predators like coyotes, which have been seen in larger numbers around LA in recent years, will also benefit from connected habitats.
Smaller creatures like the Western fence lizard will be able to scurry their way to the other side of the land bridge.
Though birds can easily fly from one place to another, the crossing will provide food and nesting opportunities for native species such as the Wrentit, which lives in California year-round.