However, as a new study of a tortoise attacking a tern chick proves, you may want to add methodical hunter to that list.
A warning here: This story is not for the faint of heart.
Tortoises are primarily herbivores. Some species do supplement their greens with insects, so chasing prey isn’t entirely unprecedented.
Some tortoises will even munch on bones and carrion they come across in the wild.
Because too much protein can be bad for tortoises, their meat-eating seems to be more of an occasional, opportunistic treat than a major part of their diet.
Erich Rau / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images
It’s the first time this kind of hunting behavior by a tortoise has been captured on video.
Ariel FUCHS/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images
Frégate Island’s unique ecology may also play a significant role in the story of the tern and the tortoise.
VW Pics/Universal Images Group/Getty Images
One video doesn’t prove whether this hunting behavior is widespread or newly emerging, but other tortoises have been observed snacking on birds on Frégate Island.
Here’s the whole “horrifying and amazing” video released with the study.
Getty Images
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