A growing body of evidence suggests the gut microbiome, the trillions of organisms living in your digestive tract, has far-reaching effects on health.
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A study published in the journal Nature Medicine found specific microbes linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.
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Research links a more diverse gut microbiome with being more outgoing, and a less diverse microbiome with anxiety.
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Gut health also affects mental health, with one study finding that microbiome markers may be able to help diagnose depression.
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A study published in Cell found fungus in the gut can help the immune system produce antibodies to fight fungal infections — at least in mice.
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Other molecules found in the gut can disrupt health and drive autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, suggests a study published in Science Immunology.
By disrupting the immune system, poor health gut could also make COVID-19 sufferers more susceptible to long-term health impacts.
Fortunately, diet has been found to have a bigger effect on gut health than genes, and exercise also has an impact.
Researchers recommend eating plenty of fiber by way of fruits and veggies and adding natural probiotics like sauerkraut and yogurt for optimal gut health.
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