Get on the road to regrowth.
The reason why your hair falls out as you get older is likely a combination of genetics, hormones, and the environment.
But scientists still don’t have a way to totally cure blading.
In an August 2021 report for the journal ACS Nano, researchers tested out a patch lined with microneedles that helped regenerate hair in mice.
Researchers have been searching for hair-loss genes for decades. But since conditions like male or female patterned baldness are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, gene editing probably won’t offer a catchall treatment.
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But gene therapy does offer promise for rare conditions that cause hair loss.
Progeria, which causes children to age rapidly, is a prime example of a condition that might be treated with gene therapy.
This technique has been used since the 1950s and is one of the most effective ways to restore lost hair.
Essentially, doctors take prosperous hair and skin cells from one part of the body and place them on spots that struggle to grow locks.
The procedure can be expensive and painful.
Basically, photons from the lasers stimulate the scalp and encourage skin tissue to regrow hair. It’s a painless alternative to hair transplants and is widely regarded as safe.
You’ve probably heard that Viagra can help regulate hypertension and reduce colorectal cancer risk. But did you know Minoxidil, a drug used to treat high blood pressure, might also help regrow hair in some areas?
On the research side, scientists writing in Nature in 2020 described their success in creating skin organoids — living models made of stem cells — that can help us better understand baldness.
This was the first time researchers were able to get organoids to grow hair.
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