The Vive Focus 3 is the more exciting VR headset. Like Facebook’s Oculus Quest 2, the Focus 3 is a standalone wireless headset that works on its own — no PC required. It’s built on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2 platform.
This increased combined resolution (4,896 x 2,448) paired with a 90Hz refresh rate, a wider 120-degree field of view, and “real RGB subpixel” display tech (each pixel consists of three pixels) means details like text are more visible and VR’s “screen door effect” is greatly reduced.
Now that the Rift 2 is dead, the Pro 2 is the only real affordable PC VR headset with high-performance specs.
The Vive Focus 3 and Vive Pro 2 are not toys. They’re premium VR headsets designed for professionals who need to use them for work (i.e. designing helicopters or buildings), not Beat Saber. As such, the $1,300 for the Focus 3 and $1,400 for the Pro 2 Kit ($750 for just the Pro 2 headset) are appropriately priced for the tech, especially when you factor in access to HTC’s Vive Business suite of apps and services, device management (for deployment from IT), and business training applications.