Travis Scott’s Fragment Jordan 1s are sold out — but there’s still merch
The collection came as a surprise release.

Travis Scott surprised fans with the long-anticipated release of his Fragment Air Jordan 1. The sneaker immediately sold out through his website, but a wider range of Fragment merch is still available along with two T-shirts also made in collaboration with KAWS.
Rough-hewn graphics appear throughout the collection, running the course of Scott’s obsession with skulls, flames, tigers, and eagles. KAWS lent his Companion to a short and long-sleeve T-shirt, the latter of which appears bleached, and it appears as if all the merchandise is available for pre-order. Nothing besides the Jordans have sold out, and delivery is expected to begin in five to six weeks for most items.
In addition to the standard fare of T-shirts and hoodies, Scott and Fragment have also put out distressed letterman jackets and pants for $925 and $350, respectively. As always, there are also novelty goods, including a Zippo, keychain, and $300 rug.
You’ll have another shot at the Js — Scott and Fragment’s Air Jordan 1, which simply renders his original Air Jordan collab in blue and adds the brand’s debossed logo, may be the the most phoned-in sneaker of the year. The parties involved simply tossed together what they’ve already done on their own, but Scott’s rabid audience will gobble up any sneaker regardless of how hackneyed it may be.
The sneaker release on Scott’s website is just the beginning, as a wider rollout is already underway with retailers like Notre and Concepts opening raffles. Many of the raffles have already closed, with the quick-draw release going down across the board today. Sneakerheads were given little heads up for Scott’s latest Air Jordan, which may leave people even more frustrated than usual for a highly coveted sneaker.
Be it in the design or the rollout, brands like Scott (yes, he is a brand at this point) can do whatever they want and still enjoy rampant success. If that still sounds fun to you, good luck trying to track down a pair of the kicks today.