This overly functional poncho is why you need a way to get Japan-exclusive goods
Comfy Outdoor Garment's pieces are too good not to be worn around the world.
Whenever I'm espousing the merits of enlisting a proxy service to secure goods exclusive to Japan, the brand Comfy Outdoor Garment is usually at the forefront of my mind. The small purveyor of outdoor gear under the Lost Hills umbrella routinely makes some of the weirdest and thus coolest apparel around.
Shorts with ridiculously large pockets or two-toned high-tech fabric to keep your underwear dry, "unuseless" overalls with a zipper that extends to the crotch, and a cooler box with a shoulder strap that can maintain refrigerator temperatures for days — these are just the highlights of Comfy Outdoor Garment's current season. Look back into its archives and you'll find even more wonders made with a mission statement that includes a sense of humor.
A Comfy Outdoor poncho — Now joining the ranks is the Rain Falls Poncho, which takes functionality to the max and, possibly, over the top.
Normally, ponchos are sort of a last resort when the rain hits. They're just big pieces of fabric, often plastic, to toss over your head and body to keep yourself dry. Chances are you're not shelling out for one worth saving after a single use, and even if you do it's probably not appealing enough to break out for anything but an emergency. Or to put it as simply as Comfy Outdoor Garment: "Poncho = hard to wear."
The brand's solution is an upgraded version made with Teflon coating and a full zipper. It also comes with velcro straps for adjustable cuffs, and the entire thing can pack easily into the left pocket. You surely don't need all of this in a poncho, but that's what makes it so awesome. Why not take utility to the point of parody?
Enlist your proxy this week — The Rain Falls Poncho is due to hit Lost Hills' webstore sometime this week for an unannounced price. Comfy Outdoor Garment's more robust raincoat is approximately $280, so expect the poncho to be somewhat cheaper.
Too often, the most adventurous Japanese clothing is deemed too bizarre for the American market and never makes it overseas. That's been the case so far with Comfy Outdoor Garment with the exception of one season stocked at Kinfolk (R.I.P.). But not all Americans are so prudish, and if you count yourself among the adventurous ones, consult our guide to proxying to make this rad poncho yours.