These are the 7 best ultralight sleeping bags
These impressively lightweight bags actually offer a good night’s sleep.

Fortunately, the bulky synthetic sleeping bags of the past aren’t your only option anymore.
Ultra lightweight bags, which ring in at around one to two pounds, have become the new standard as outdoor gear designers continue to find creative ways to cut down on weight without sacrificing on comfort or durability.
There are plenty of reasons to cut weight when it comes to camping gear, whether because you’re planning an extensive backpacking trip and you need to carry as little weight as possible or you simply don’t want to deal with the annoyance of a heavy bag on sporadic car camping trips. The truth is that investing in quality camping gear is worth it no matter how frequently you’ll use it, because gear can really make or break your experience.
Whatever your camping style may be, your sleeping bag needs to do one thing above all else: help you get high-quality sleep. Beyond that, there are plenty of features to choose from, like weight, pack size, temperature rating, and shape. We rounded up some of the top sleeping bags available, all of which are cozy and durable despite their ultra lightweight constructions.
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What sets this pick apart is that it cuts down on weight by eliminating the bottom insulation. While this may sound counterintuitive, the idea is that you’ll pair it with a Big Agnes sleeping pad, which will fit into the integrated pad sleeve and insulate from below. Additionally, this design means you won’t be sliding around on your pad, and it offers more space than a mummy bag.