Twitter’s @LowPolly is a compendium for video game food not even a digital stomach could handle.
But don’t take our word for it, simply take a gander at @LowPolly on Twitter, a hobby account that acts as something of a museum for the often failed attempts at rendering food items in “low poly” video games — a term describing games that use a relatively small number of polygons to render 3D objects.
Pizza from 'Yakuza 0' (2015)
The fact of the matter is, zooming in on just about any environmental object in a video game will probably reveal some faults, but when said object is meant to appeal to our appetites, the faults may just seem a little more glaring. For better or worse, we have but two words of advice for the digital avatars who are actually going to eat this stuff...
Golden Brown Pizza from 'Dead Rising' (2006)